Claudia + Jasper

Currently, traveling Vietnam & helping local businesses like yours for FREE

Free help with

🛠️ Website creation

Register, host and design your website to display your offerings and get found online

🗺️ Google business profile

Improve your Google (maps) listing to attract more customers

🖌️ Graphic design

Design your food menu & flyer with services to sell more

📱Social media

Help with social media: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and others

🥇 Higher rankings

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to help you rank higher

📝 Copywriting

Writing English or Dutch text that converts readers into guests

📷 Photography

Shoot great photos of your items, location and offerings

🎥 Video content

Create compelling video content for your location, items and services

📌 Citations

TripAdvisor, Yelp, Microsoft Bing Maps, Apple Maps and more

Why free?

You are probably wondering why we would help you for free? While traveling, we like to connect with local people around the world and give back to the communities. One way is to do this, is by helping local businesses with our knowledge and experience from The Netherlands (Europe).

We would only like to request a bed to sleep and maybe a simple meal while helping your business.

Our ratings


Their marketing efforts made our hotel a popular spot on Bing Maps. The videos they made, show how peaceful it is up here. We have received more guests since the changes they made.

- Mr. Chinh | Dai Nam Sapa Hotel (Sapa)


Jasper gave our homestay a great boost. Now we have a perfect listing on multiple booking websites, more rooms booked and online posts that turns viewers into buyers.

- Hùng & Mai | Blue Home (Mù Cang Chai)


This travel couple made my bakery searchable online by creating a great Google Maps business profile. The photos they took, make you hungry. They really helped us sell more!

- Don | Tiệm Bánh An (Moc Châu)

Travel audience

We also create content for our Dutch TikTok travel audience from Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg (click to see the video):

Maps Local Guide

In addition, we are a Google Maps local guide reviewer. Our reviews rank higher and are seen as more valuable by readers. We write extensive reviews about your location, including photos and videos. We also use keywords, which help your business get found by more people.

Contact us

You are reading this because I contacted you through Zalo. Feel free to share this page with other local businesses in Vietnam. Our Zalo number is: 0387407044